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Drones Can Optimize Upstream Oil and Gas Operations

Drones Can Optimize Upstream Oil and Gas Operations

The oil and gas industry ‘figuratively’ powers the country, inciting growth and progress in multiple industries. However, how do you power the oil and gas industry, especially its...

Drones in Steel Industry – Mapping, Surveillance & Inspection Done Right

Drones in Steel Industry – Mapping, Surveillance & Inspection Done Right

Drones in steel industry can act as the ideal transformer and enabler. India has some key pivot industries, steel industry being one of them. Metals and mining industries,...

Drones for Watershed Management

Drones for Watershed Management

Small and micro drones for watershed management can help turnaround and improve the success rate and future impact potential of multiple water conservation, irrigation, CCT, dams (etc.) projects....

Drones in Education – Making Students Future-Ready

Drones in Education – Making Students Future-Ready

Using drones in education to teach survey and mapping is quickly becoming the new norm. Multiple engineering institutes around the country and the world are utilizing drones to...

Drone Payloads for Business Transformation | Part 2

Drone Payloads for Business Transformation | Part 2

Advancements in drone payloads are a milestone in the streamlining of operations management in the new-age. Why not automate operations through a higher degree of surveying, mapping...

Can drones for mapping and surveying fuel economic growth?

Can drones for mapping and surveying fuel economic growth?

Drones for mapping and surveying can accelerate the economic growth of a nation as the technology directly benefits heavy industries. The growth of a country is measured...

How Drones for Surveying and Mapping Boost Productivity in Construction and Real Estate

How Drones for Surveying and Mapping Boost Productivity in Construction and Real Estate

The construction sector is set to impact $15.5 trillion global output by 2030. Drones for surveying and mapping will be integral to keep pace with this projection. US$15.5...