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Drones in Steel Industry – Mapping, Surveillance & Inspection Done Right

Drones in Steel Industry – Mapping, Surveillance & Inspection Done Right

Drones in steel industry can act as the ideal transformer and enabler. India has some key pivot industries, steel industry being one of them. Metals and mining industries,...

Drones in Enterprises – What Value Do They Add?

Drones in Enterprises – What Value Do They Add?

Drones and drones everywhere, but how to apply them? It’s not a futuristic poem. It’s real. Drones in enterprises, whether in surveying and mapping or asset inspections,...

Drones for Asset Inspection – Boost Efficiency by 10x

Drones for Asset Inspection – Boost Efficiency by 10x

Drones for asset inspection are an increasingly accepted concept. Several enterprises are deploying drones to maintain the structural and operational integrity of their assets. Consider oil wellheads...